Month: January 2012

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 30 January 2012


    Outside my window…the world has been transformed overnight.  Yesterday the temperatures were in the 40′s we were surrounded by a sea of mud.  This morning I wake up to school closings, lake effect snow falling and my whole world covered in a blanket of white.  I won’t even mention that there is a stiff breeze blowing out there and the temperature is about 20.  Ah winter you are a tough mistress.

    I am thinking…that whoever made the coffee this morning lost count on the number of scoops going into the basket.

    I am thankful for…puffs tissues, tea kettles, and wood fires.

    From the kitchen…I am considering my standard “Italian Penicilin” (chicken noodle soup) or chili and focaccia.  Should I gentle this bug out of the house or blast it out?

    I am wearing…my comfy cozies and my roasty toasties.

    I am creating…a mental bubble of warmth, beauty, and tranquility to wrap myself in.

    I am going…to stay right where I am today.  Doug took the car to work so I don’t have any way to leave if I wanted to.

    I am reading….George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss.  A very interesting and disturbing read.

    I am hoping…that the cold bug that is in this house is one that is easily banished.

    I am hearing…Matthew blowing his nose, Melissa blowing her nose, and the fan running on the furnace.

    Around the house…everything is in a state of mild disarray.  Boxes of tissues and warm quilts have taken priority over tidied up livingrooms and well swept floors.

    One of my favorite things…though I don’t like anyone being sick I do enjoy the sense of slow motion and other worldlyness that having sickness in the house gives. 

    A few plans for the rest of the week….get MK back here (she’s been gone too long and I miss her), get Matthew and Melissa better without passing the bug to anyone else, and simply enjoy my last week of break before school sets in again.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you…


    More coming down as I type this.  Those lake effect bands just seem to keep pumping out the snow.  Perhaps they are making up for our lack of winter thus far.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 23 January 2012


    Outside my window…it is a dreary day. It cannot be as cold as it has been since the eaves are dripping and my joints are aching.  It is a good day to be dreary since there are thousands of people converging on our nation’s capitol to witness to the sanctity of life.  Yesterday was the 39th anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court decision Roe v Wade.  Since that time millions of babies have been murdered before they even had a chance to be born.

    I am thinking….of all the many years that I too rode a bus to D.C. to lobby, pray and witness.

    I am thankful for…a faith that teaches me that life is a scared gift from God, a family that treasured that gift and children who carry on that belief and witness to it.

    From the kitchen…pot roast, potatoes, carrots, and gravy for supper tonight.  I thought it would be a good day to have a hearty and filling mid-winter meal.

    I am wearing….long johns and a long sleep shirt.

    I am creating….not much.  The ability has been turned off for awhile now.  With time and patience I hope that the good Lord will see fit to give me back my means of expressing myself.

    I am going…to our church at noon to pray the rosary with a group of people for the intention of the end of abortion and the conversion of abortionist politicians.

    I am reading….Yours, Jack.  The personal letters of C. S. Lewis  I have discovered that whenever I am in an emotionally reflective state I seem to default to C. S. Lewis.

    I am hoping…that those who went to Washington from our parish have a safe and productive trip.

    I am hearing….Layn “hammering” in the kitchen with one of his toys, Matthew driving a tractor to bring a round-bale to the beefers across the road, and the fan running on the furnace downstairs.

    Around the house…it is warm and comfortable looking.  When I look at our home with the eyes of judgment all I see are the messes and the things that need repair. When I look without the judgment lenses I see comfort, invitation and family.  I think I like that view better.

    One of my favorite things…connections.  The connections that I share with my daughter that lets us communicate with just a look.  The connections with my sons that let us speak with a touch on the shoulder.  The connection with my husband that lets him communicate vast amounts of love with just a smile.

    A few plans for the rest of the week…let this week be full of the ordinary, routine, and everyday.  Those are my plans, along with a plan to discern what God has planned and align mine with his.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you….


    For Christmas I gave Doug a flagpole and flag.  For my birthday he erected it and is working on illuminating it. God bless and spare our country.

  • A fun visit.

     The weekend of Caiti’s visit we drove over to the Casino to see their gingerbread house display.  They have apparantly done this a couple of years now. (See how much I know and I am a native!) Anyway, I read about it in the paper and thought that my niece who is a terrific cook and baker would enjoy it.
    This display was not only fun because of the sheer size and thought of the work that went into it and the cleverness of it all but Layn had a ball.
    He and the two Nutcrackers that guarded the display became fast friends.  They had no hesitation about letting him in.

    I am no photographer but there was actually “snow” in the form or soap bubbles falling while we were walking through courtesy of a gentleman who enjoyed Layn’s reactions as much as we did.

    These buildings were all edible except for the wooden frames that supported them. They were large enough so that a child of Layn’s size could have played inside of them.

    Each one sported a different snowman with a different style cap and scarf.  There were bridges and a huge waterwheel over the stream that ran alongside of the barn.  The silo was my favorite part. It was covered all in chocolate bars.

    This church had “stained glass” windows that were lit from within.

    I think that this will become an annual event for us.  I know that this kid enjoyed it as much as Layn did.

  • Buzzlightyear and turning 50

     Well, yesterday I turned 50 and somehow I fail to see what the big deal is all about. I don’t feel any different than when I was 49.  The fact that I cannot remember what 20 felt like is either a good thing or just another symptom of advancing age. Choose your pick.
    Monday a friend that I have known since elementary school brought over this cake for my birthday.  Those who know me well know that I haven’t done a whole lot of growing up since elementary school so the cake is totally appropriate.  Besides Buzz is one of my favorites.  This was an act of love pure and simple, thank you Renee.
    My birthday itself started out as a terrible day, go figure.  Having a birthday in January and having been born on a day when there was a raging snow storm so bad that your dad couldn’t be there for your birth should tell you something about any future birthdays. After taking MK to the neurologist, driving all over New Hartford shopping, dropping her and Layn at home only to have to go to Oneida to get scripts filled and HORRORS have to go to the DMV! I did get to spend a peaceful hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  When I got home I was greeted with flowers from my son and soon to be daughter-in-law and my favorite kinds of liquor. MK made me a beautiful scarf and got me the Scrabble Dictionary and a musical card.
    Best of all I got to share my cake with my best grandson. I would say that it was a super birthday for any age

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 16 January 2012


    Outside my window…it is stinking cold! The weather service says zero and I believe it. It is cold enough to freeze the snot in your nose before it even tries to get out.We are supposed to get up to freezing but that will bring with it snow, sleet and freezing rain.  For those of you who wished for winter, thanks a lot.

    I am thinking…about becoming a hermit. You know the kind that only comes out in the spring after the temperatures come up to 80.  Or am I mistaking that for hibernate? Either way the idea is very attractive.  My toes are turning blue, wait that is the nail polish.  Ooops! my bad.

    I am thankful for….fleece blankets, homemade quilts, hoodies, and nice warm scarves.

    From the kitchen…something with beef.  How surprising since we just put 500 lbs of it in the freezer. I would do steaks on the grill (Ian just put new burners in it) but not if it means standing out there in the cold (I am not that nice or dedicated).  How about meatloaf!

    I am wearing….sweatpants, sweatshirt, wrapped in fleece and a quilt.  I am not joking it is cold out there and since this house is well ventilated it is drafty and cold in here.  The fire hasn’t caught up with the morning yet.

    I am creating…not a thing.  It seems my powers of creativity have been severely curtailed by my emotional state.  Until I can get past the constant grief and depression over my father’s death the sewing machine will essentially remain silent.

    I am going…to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament but beyond that I think my courage will not extend to spending too much time out there in the arctic cold. (am I whining too much about how cold it is? Let it snow and then I will really get started.) Strike that I need to get my drivers license renewed today also. Since tomorrow is the 17th and my birthday as well it will expire and then I won’t be able to drive legally. Aw shucks!

    I am reading…The Collected Works of George MacDonald

    I am hoping…that the sleet and freezing rain holds off till after 6 tonight then all my people will be home from their respective jobs.

    I am hearing…Layn having a tantrum because someone isn’t giving him what he wants, go figure. I wonder what would happen if I had a tantrum? I’ll have to keep that thought on the back burner.

    Around the house….all is as it should be.  The kitchen is a disaster, the livingroom is somewhat behind that and the laundryroom has been declared a federal disaster area.  Status quo!

    One of my favorite things…a candle lit room and a good book.

    A few plans for the rest of the week….take MK to the neurologist tomorrow, two holy hours, take Layn to a make-up swim lesson, and otherwise survive this crazy life of mine.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you…


    DSC00011 DSC00010

    Last weekend we celebrated MK’s birthday.  Jonathan and Matthew wore the same shirts, something that we all got a big kick out of.

  • The weather outside is….

    not fit for man or beast.  So I thought I would indulge in a little textile therapy.  Besides part of every child’s upbringing should be education in the appreciation of fine fabrics.  So I took several totes of fabrics and dumped them out onto the sewing room floor.  I like to sort through, mix and match colors and scheme about possible projects.


    Layn is a natural!!! He sat right down in the middle of the pile and started to toss the pieces up into the air.  He brushed different pieces against his cheek and brought others to Melissa to admire.


    Of course all the energy it takes to think creatively takes a lot out of a guy. Thankfully all that fabric is comfortable too.

  • A sweet visit from a sweet niece


    Sometimes when life gets too much it is time for a change of scenery.  Some folks go on a cruise, some go to the beach, others go to an insane assylum.  That’s what my niece Caiti did, she went and spent a long weekend with a bunch of crazys.


    She decorated a cake.  Sort of a busman’s holiday for a girl who spends a lot of time in a kitchen.


    She cuddled with her cousin, always healing.


     And she indulged in a bit of equine therapy.  I think it was a good weekend for her since she was smiling when she left and was talking about a return trip.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 9 January 2012


    Outside my window…the sun is shining, sort of, and it is quite chilly out. I think I need to wrastle with my mind about going out and taking a long walk to work off the cake and cookies that I ate yesterday.

    I am thinking…that spending time with family and friends is the best medicine for all kinds of ills.  All the aches and pains and sadness were all still there yesterday but there was no time to think about it.

    I am thankful for…the visit from my niece Caiti.  She slips into her place in this family as if she had been born here.  She feels like the daughter that I never gave birth to but was somewhere else waiting to be with us.

    From the kitchen…left over chicken and gravy. I think I will make biscuits to go along with that and a green salad for the side.

    I am wearing….blue long johns and a blue sleep shirt.

    I am creating…healing for both my heart and soul.

    I am going…nowhere today.  Matthew can take my car to work and leave me no way to leave this house.  I want to stay home with the warmth of home wrapped safely around me.

    I am reading….Thomas Merton’s Seven Storey Mountain

    I am hoping…that the lawyer calls today to announce the closing date for our sale of land.

    I am hearing….Matthew making his breakfast, Melissa and MK discussing the quilt that is in progress, and Layn playing with his blocks.

    Around the house…there will be a great upheaval.  Now that the Christmas season is officially over we will be (sadly) taking down the lights, garland, Christmas village, and other sundry ornamentation.  I need to deck the house with something cheerful for winter in the interim between now and Lent.

    One of my favorite things…mismatched dinner plates and uncoordinated table linens.

    A few plans for the rest of the week….undeck the halls today and get some cleaning done today.  The rest of the week will be spent in blessed normalcy (such as that is around here)

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you…


    The birthday cake in progress that Caiti did for MK yesterday.

  • More Joy and Gratitude

    No pictures for this post, the moment of joy that I wish to relate happened so fast there was no chance of photographing it.  But my eyes are good cameras as well and they not only captured the moment but it will be filed away to take out and enjoy forever.

    My niece is here visiting for the weekend.  Since MK had a birthday this week we saved the news of Caiti’s visit as a surprise.  The looks of love, pleasure, and surprise as the two saw each other and embraced was something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.  I treasure demonstrations of true and genuine love and affection.

    My gratitude goes out to God for blessing me with the family that he has given me.  Their support, sense of humor and abillity to absorb trouble and roll with it not only warms my heart but makes me proud.

  • Joy and Gratitude

    My friend @saintvi has done a post entitled joy and gratitude.  A very simple thing really, a statement of something that brings her joy and something for which she is grateful.  After reading her post and thinking about it I came to the conclusion that it is not only a good idea but well worth copying.  I have recently been indulging too much in my own sadness and self-pity and think it is high time to start the journey out of the pit. (not that I think a couple of blog posts are going to totally do the job, its a good start)


    Joy is the simpleness of a child. Anything can become a toy and any toy can become a friend.


    With the temperatures in the single digits this week I am totally grateful for the gift of heat.  My sons and husband worked hard this past summer to excavate in our basement and put in a new wood burning furnace.  This one can be loaded in the morning and go most of the day without being refilled.  For that I am truly thankful.