Month: December 2009

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 28 December 2009


    Outside my is snowing.  If it keeps up like this we will have a lovely dusting of new snow to cover up the mud and sand leftover from the freezing rain and rain that we got over the weekend.  I cannot believe that I am singing the praises of snow but there you have it.

    I am thinking.....about Christmas traditions and how important they are.  They are the glue that holds one generation to the next.  My dad wanted everyone to keep their Christmas the way that they normally did this year with all of their own traditions observed.  I can understand why.  He was with us this Christmas in all the traditions that I brought into my marriage and in all the new ones that my husband and I established on our own.  I love you dad.

    I am thankful for.......the time that I had this past week with all my children home and the coming week with the big guy still here.  I keep and treasure evey minute in my heart.  I remind myself that after the big guy leaves I will still have MK here to spoil and treasure until she has to return to school.

    I am wearing......jammies.  The big guy and I seem to have caught the too much partying bug so I have been spending a lot of time in my comfies.

    I am going......nowhere today.  It is Monday so that means laundry, housework, and the start of a new school week for me at least.  It is snowing out so it is a good day for the rest of the inmates to indulge in recreational reading and resting while I get some much needed recovery done around here.

    I am currently reading......The McGraw Hill Concise Guide to Writing.  Sounds exciting doesn't it.

    I am hoping.....that the big guy starts to feel better soon.  Maybe I can persuade Matthew to make him some jello today. 

    From the kitchen.......there are so many leftovers from Christmas that it is going to be every man for himself today.  I need to have both refrigerators cleaned out.

    Around the house......all is peaceful and calm.  MK is in her room cleaning up, the big guy is laying on the couch reading, Doug and Matthew went to mass, Ian and Jason are at work and Adam is back in Norfolk.  Soon it will be cleaner and we will slip into some semblance of a routine.  Perfect for a quiet snowy day.

    A few plans for the rest of the for me, TLC for the rest of my crew.  Doug is still job hunting, I pray for success.  Savor each moment until Saturday when the big guy leaves.

    One of my favorite things......what to choose? today is one of my favorite things.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you........(actually a few pictures)



    My heart swells near to bursting to see this man happy.  It's not the presents it's the time with his friends.....his brothers.


    Enjoying one of my favorite gifts, books of poetry for two or more voices.  Anything to promote being together.


    Only another military guy knows the right way to cut a sailors hair.  Getting ready to have their portraits taken.


    MK in her element.  The queen with her subjects.  They love each other and it shows in how they treat one another.


  • Does this group look like they have had a little too much Christmas?


    This morning the soldiers and the sailor went to have their portrait taken.  Tonight we took a shot of all of us together since Adam has to leave in the morning.  This is one exhausted looking bunch.  Too much eating, drinking, laughing, playing, visiting, singing, church-going, and otherwise merry-making going on.  As I write this MK is in bed with a headache, the big guy is in my bed with a tummy ache, Ian is in bed in case he gets called out to plow again tonight, Adam is in bed 'cause he has a long drive tomorrow, Matthew is sitting on the couch eating pizza and watching the third installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I have no clue where Doug is.  Jason went to town but I have a feeling he will be in early tonight too.

    A good family time was had by all though we are all getting old enough to know better than to stay up so late and to try to pack so much into so little time.  By the way, my greatest gift this holiday season?  My whole family together for one solid week!

  • Dashing Through the Snow

    I live in a very small town.  Actually I don't live in a town at all.  I live just outside a very small town.  The town is so small that it is little more than a crossroads.  It is exactly 7 miles as the crow flies from the house that I grew up in.  That house is located in a small town too.  That small town is just a crossroads.  I have watched that crossroads go through a lot of growing pains in the last 39 years.  That's right folks, I have lived within the same small area for 39 of my 47 years.

    Outside it is snowing.  The snow is falling gently down and blanketing the fields and yards as it has every winter that I have known and beyond.  The silence of that snowfall is profound.  There is something about snow coming down that naturally puts anyone that I know into a contemplative mood.  That is the mood that has been cast over me as I sit here and watch the snow.  My mind wanders about just as the flakes eddy and drift in the corners of the house and around the trees.  Back and back it goes through the time that I have known. 

    I see a car full of children tired and sated from an evening visiting with gandparents, gifts piled in the trunk.  The childish chatter is endless but goes along a predictable course, the visit of the one who will shower them with surprises come morning.  "Do you think he is already on his way?"  "Do you think we will get home before Santa gets there?"  Those are the thoughts and questions of the children.  Up in the sky twinkle thousands of tiny lights.  In reality they are the lights from stars but to the minds of little children any one of them could be the light from the sleigh, but which one?

    Even now I hear my father's voice, deep and firm answering our questions, patient always patient.  The trip seems long but his voice, soothing from the front seat, seems to make the time fly and brings us home on the comforting tones of that beloved voice.


  • The Simple Womans Daybook 21 December 2009


    Outside my window......the sun has set and it is in the teens out there.  We were missed by that snow storm that went through on the weekend, we only have a light dusting on the ground.  My poor son drove through it though.  What should have been a 12 hour trip turned into a 22 hour trip on friday night and saturday because of that storm.

    I am thinking......about all the things that are left to be done before Thursday along with all my schoolwork.

    I am thankful for......the family that I have close to me.  All my children are home for the holiday.  I don't know how many more times this will happen as they get older but I savor every minute.

    I am sweat pants and navy tee shirt.  Almost time for this very tired mother to hit the hay.

    I am bed tonight.  Tomorrow I have my last second grade class of the year and a holy hour.  I am looking forward to that time spent alone with the Lord.

    I am reading.......text books my friends, text books!!!!!

    I am hoping......that everyone who is traveling for this holiday gets to their destination safely.

    From the kitchen......the smell of the cookies that MK baked today and the spaghetti and meatballs that we had for supper.

    A few plans for the rest of the week.....finish the gifts that I am making, wrap the rest of my presents, finish the last section in math for the week and take my test.  I also have an essay due in English and one due in Online Learning.  I just have to take things slow and easy and I know that it will all get done.  Everyone is being so helpful.

    Around the house......all the decorating is done and everything is in readiness for the coming of the Christ Child on Christmas.

    One of my favorite things.......the pleasant sound of hearing the "rumble" of male voices rising up the stairs in the morning. 

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you......



    A reminder of what Christmas is all about.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 14 December 2009


    Outside my's dark but forecasted to get lighter.  In my nice cozy and warm house the cold of the outdoors doesn't penetrate.  My husband was up well before everyone else putting wood into the furnace and making sure that we would be warm when we all crawled out from beneath the covers.

    I am thinking.........about the busy week ahead and of all the upcoming fun to be had because Adam and the Big Guy are coming home this week.

    I am thankful for........more than I can express right now, but among my greatest blessings are a husband who loves me, children who come home, friends who care, and family in general.

    I am wearing.......jammies!!!!! get used to it folks, if I don't have to go anywhere then comfies are the uniform of the day around here.

    I am going.......actually I have to shower and change out of my comfies 'cause I have an appointment with Dr. Jim this morning and the chiropractor this afternoon then I have to take MK back to Mo'ville for her final exams.

    I am English text, my online learning text, my math book.  Do we see a trend here?  Actually I am also trying to get in some time with my Christopher West book as well.

    I am hoping.......that my dad makes it through this Christmas.  He asked all of us to stay home and celebrate our Christmas' the way that we normally would. Not to do anything out of the ordinary for him.  I think he wants us to always remember Christmas a the loving and wonderful family time that it has always been.  I pray that God gives that to him.

    Around the's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  We started to deck them halls last night.  All the country knick knacks were put away and out came the Christmas treasures.  The garland is up and some of the lights too.  The feeling of anticipation has entered this house.  I am beginning to feel like a kid again, that is never a good thing.

    One of my favorite things........the way that the house feels and looks at this time of year.  It's almost like a story book.

    A few plans for the rest of the for me, Matthew is off until after the holidays.  I would also like to finish a few sewing jobs and get them shipped off to their respective owners.  Then it is on to finishing the gifts that I have going.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you......


    Matthew going through one of his drills at Karate on Saturday.


    They had testing last week and Matthew not only passed but he was commended as one of the most dedicated and hard working kids in the school.  The Shihon gave Matthew his respect.  That is a great thing 'cause he is a man who's respect is worth having.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 7 December 2009


    Outside my is still dark. When I stepped out to feed the dogs it was cold and here was a dusting of snow on the ground. The weather man says that there is a good chance of more of that stuff falling today.  That's okay though, today is my first day of school and I have no plans to go anywhere until it is time to pick MK up this evening.

    I am thinking.......the very thought of snow outside and warmth inside gives me a good feeling.

    I am hearing......Doug and Jason in the kitchen eating their breakfast and discussing farm things.  That is even a cozy sound.

    I am thankful for.......good friends and loving family.  Had lots of good hugs from Mama Buehner and my other sister Diane yesterday.  I needed that.

    I am nightshirt and navy sweatpants.  Too early to think of getting dressed for the day.  Maybe I won't at all.

    I am going.......nowhere today.  That is unless the Geek guys call and say that my computer is done then I will drop everything and go pick it up. I miss it.  The touch on this keyboard is too hard for my old fingers.

    I am reading.......Heaven's Song by Christopher West

    From the schoolroom.....there will be much learning going on today.  Matthew is beginning his last week of the semester and I am beginning my first. There must be something poetic in that.

    From the kitchen.......I thought pizza tonight since MK is coming home. It will be a nice treat for her.

    Around the house......the dogs are snoring, the men are eating and talking and all seems to be right with my world.

    One of my favorite things........knowing that my life is going along as it should.  Knowing that I am in the place that I should be in.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you......


    My current meditation has been on Mary's fiat and how that brought the incarnation into the world.  Without the incarnation so much would not be possible.