Month: June 2009

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 29 June 2009


    Outside my is gooomy and damp.  Looks like it has been raining again.  My pool is never going to be clear again.  This is turning out to be a very wet summer.  We have had over six inches of rain in the past two weeks.

    I am thinking...........about taking a poll to see if we go to swimming lessons today.

    From the schoolroom...........many educational endeavors will take place, after Mass and we pick Brett up.

    I am thankful for...........the beautiful day that we had yesterday.  Warm and sunny and time spent together.

    From the kitchen.............I don't know yet.  Today's meals will be an adventure that is yet to be realized.

    I am wearing.............grey shorts and a white tee shirt.  Nearly time to start my morning ablution.

    I am reading...........Three Cups of Tea

    I am spend some time today with my daughter doing something she likes.

    I am creating...........nothing much right now.

    I am praying...........that the big guy gets to his next duty station safely after having spent the weekend with family resting.

    Around the house...........don't ask!!!! Too much time spent outside and not enough time spent inside attending to the cleaning.

    One of my favorite things.......a husband who goes with the flow and doesn't mind that I neglect the house for the gardens.

    A few plans for the rest of the week........can't make too many since I am on jury duty and have to keep myself open.

    Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you............


    Matthew hacking his way through the overgrown jungle that resulted from neglect of the area beside where the barns used to stand.


    He spent Friday afternoon and evening clearing away brush and cutting down scrub trees that had grown up.


    He is determined to make his mark on this place in a very positive way.  Already the view is much improved.  What a great way to keep a teenage boy occupied too.

  • Chickens in the Kitchen

    Last Monday morning the post office called to say that Mary-Kate's chicks had arrived.  I drove my happy daughter to the post office to pick them up then to the feed store to get wood shavings and feed to sustain the little balls of feathers.  Then came the question of where we were going to brood them.  The weather had uncooperatively turned chilly and damp.  Day old chicks cannot control their own body temp yet so they need a lot of TLC.  I must have had a bit of a "grandmother moment" because I said that she could brood them in the house.

    She immediately found a plastic box and the heat lamp and made them all snug and cozy in the kitchen before I could see the folly of my decision.  This morning, after a week of peeping chicks and smelly wood shavings I declared that it was warm enough outside for them to spend the day outdoors.  There was no rain forecast so they were safe for at least today. 


    We got out the portable pen and doubled it over to minimize the possiblity of escaping then she proceeded to put them inside.  The big one is Matthew not a chick.  I'm thinking that I could have used something like that when the kids were little for a playpen.


    Brutus and Isabella were not only curious about the chicks but totally occupied watching their antics.  I don't think Brutus has left their side since we put them out.


    Matthew has since left the pen but not without being pooped on.  I think that the chicks will be outside for good as long as the weather stays nice.

  • New Additions to the Family

    Two years ago when we had our barn fire Mary-Kate lost her whole flock of chickens.  Being of sturdy peasant stock, she determined that she was going to rise from the ashes and have chickens again.  A few weeks ago we went online and ordered two day old chicks for her to raise to become laying hens.


    Monday morning bright and early the post office called to tell us that our chicks had arrived.  The man then sounded very expectant, like he was waiting for me to say I will jump right into my car and come and save him from all those chirping birds.  There went my plans to go to morning Mass.  So we did just that, we jumped in the car and went up to town to save the postal workers from the relentless chirping of baby chicks.


    Then we had to make a stop at the local feed store to pick up a bale of shavings and a bag of chick starter feed.  When we got them home Mary-Kate proceeded to bond with them and make them a nice place to live.


    Matthew did his part by trying to share his breakfast with one of the chicks.  I really don't think that corn flakes is part of their diet. 

    Today's bit of excitement had to do with adopting a dog to help with the garden pest problem.  Oh wait, did I say adopting a dog?  Somehow we managed to adopt a pair of dogs.  Okay, big guy, you are right, I must be getting ready to be a grandmother 'cause I am getting soft in the heart.


    We got online with the humane society and checked out what they had available.  This pair was featured.  They were attractive to me because they were already neutered, had all their shots, weren't puppies, and knew all the basic commands already. 

    DSC03206 Isabella

    The down side was that they are litter mates and they really wanted them to be adopted out together.  So, somehow I got soft in the heart and said yes to taking the two of them together.  They really seem to be a great pair.  The male has the same type of personality that our old dog Lupus did.  He's goofy and just full of love.  All he wants is a lot of love.  The female is much more reserved and proper.  She has a lot more dignity than her brother does.

    So now our family seems to have expanded by 29 in the space of two days.  That's a good thing since my sons have left home again. 

  • My Summer Vacation?

    At some point in all of our school careers we have had to write a theme about our summer vacation.  Personally, I think it is a teacher's lame excuse for getting her class to write something when she cannot come up with something better to assign.  (Unfortunately I too have assigned this one so I am also guilty of profound lameness)

    When you live on a dairy farm you get few, if any, vacations, that is why they are so precious and noteworthy to this family.  Now that our farm is not really a working farm we still don't get vacations because my husband works FOR a dairy farmer.  That said, we took the past weekend off and went on a short vacation for Father's day. 

    This next revelation is going to be a shocking bit of news.  Although my husband works outside everyday of his life he is not an outdoors type of person.  Which means that he chooses not to live outside when he isn't working.  So for us to go camping is a big deal.  That part of our trip is something that the man tolerated for economic reasons and because he loves his wife who is an outdoors type of person.  Which means that she chooses to be outdoors every second that she can steal from every day. 


    We camped on the shore of beautiful Lake Ontario.  Of course after making camp Mary-Kate had to go down to the lake and check to see what treasures she could find washed up on the shore.  I have always held that if there is water about there is nothing else needed to keep kids busy, any age or sex. (my husband included)


    When her hands could no longer hold all of the shells, interesting bits of driftwood, and pretty stones, there was always her bandana.


    This one I cannot figure out.  God took all of the trouble to get the waves to wash all those stones onto the shore and my husband, son and daughter feel compelled to throw them all back into the lake.  Kept them busy for quite some time though so I guess neither God nor I minded too awfully much.


    Saturday we drove into Niagara to visit the falls.  Yep, they are still falling.  We were relieved to see that.  In all seriousness, what a breathtaking sight.  I could have stood there, in the rain, for hours just listening to the sound.


    The Maid of the Mist tours were still running, never mind the weather.  Did I mention that it rained and rained all Friday night and all day Saturday?


    The tourists were out as well as the natives gauking at the sights.  It wasn't too crowded since the weather wasn't cooperating so we didn't have to fight the crowds.


    Next we visited the aquarium and made some new friends.  I personally enjoyed communing with the wildlife.


    This seal and I had trouble parting.  Till we meet again.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook 22 June 2009


    Outside my window.........I hear the birds singing so it can't be raining.  I don't wish to look yet, though.  I want to bask in the pleasure of ignorange.

    I am thinking........ what to do today.  That's a no brainer since there is much to do to recover from our trip this past weekend.  But I can dream can't I?

    From the schoolroom...........there will be biology and math learned and some catechism worked on.  But for now all is silent as my two precious angels sleep with visions of their weekend adventures dancing in their heads.

    I am thankful for...........peaceful times spent with my family and memories that we make each and every day.

    From the kitchen...........I don't know and it is too early to care.  I'll address that issue later.

    I am wearing...........sleeping atire.  I think that I am still in vacation mode.  My mind is awake but my body refuses to acknowledge that it is time to get up.

    I am reading...........nothing.  No time.

    I am hoping........nothing.  There is such contentment here that there is no room for hopes.

    I am creating..............nothing at the moment.  But later I shall install a new zipper in Ian's favorite hoodie and surprise him when he gets home from drill.  I am creating a surprise for my son.

    I am praying..........for lessons learned for Jason, for success for Ian, for safety for the big guy, for deepening faith and maturity for MK and Matthew and Adam, and continued love and devotion for Doug and I.

    Around the's not too bad since we were gone all weekend.

    One of my favorite things..............remembering the look and feeling of pleasure and contentment on my husbands face when he figured out our surprise for him.

    A few plans for the rest of the week........ keep up with the gardens, get the camping equipment cleaned up and stowed away.  Daily mass and holy hours on Tuesday and Friday.  Maybe I can get some much needed mending done this week as well as the sweatshirt fixed for Ian.  Start riding our bikes to swimming lessons.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you............


    I saw this tranquil scene when I was on my way to take Jason to report for duty last week.  Just had to stop and snap a picture.  This evokes many different kinds of thoughts about how and why that tractor is in the middle of the pond.  I know I like looking at it though.

  • Boy, do I miss those days!


    It looks like they are trying to kill the big guy but actually he is teaching Matthew how to wrestle.  Strange way for brothers to interact but I am used to it.  I even miss it at times.  Times like these when I have to send another one off to the Army to be trained.  To be gone from the bosom of his family for an extended period of time.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook Monday 15 June 2009


     Outside my window.......the sun is up and it is cool out.  My husband says rain is not far away.  Looks like today is going to be an inside day.  That's okay there is plenty to do indoors, my heart will be longing to be outside, though.

    I am thinking...........I don't hear a sound from those two upstairs.  I wonder if they have gotten up yet.  This house if far too quiet lately.

    From the schoolroom.......Matthew and Brett will have Biology this morning then Matthew will have the rest of his schoolwork.   I think since it is supposed to rain it is a good day to work on IHIPs and other paperwork.

    I am thankful for............well behaved children and the good friends that we spent yesterday with.

    From the broil on the grill, mashed potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake for dessert.

    I am wearing............jammies still.  Have to shower when I am done with this and get ready to go to morning Mass.

    I am reading........nothing at present.  Too much time being spent outside in my garden.

    I am hoping..........nothing right now.  No one could be more content than I am.

    I am creating..........our food supply for the cold winter months to come.

    I am praying...........for success for my sons who are currently training in the military.

    Around the is far too quiet.  Need to find out why I don't hear anyone up and about.

    One of my favorite things.............the silence of knowing that all is as it should be.

    A few plans for the rest of the week.........take Jason to Oneonta tomorrow to ship out for Ft. Leonard Wood to do his AIT for the Army.  Not going to be a happy day for this mom.  Have to see my back surgeon on thursday for my last check up and x-rays.  Need to get all the peas and beans weeded again and mow the lawns.  Also have to call the humane society to see about getting a dog to help take care of our booming critter population.

    Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you..........


    Just paging through some pictures and trying to get them organized and I came across this one of the big guy.  Boy do I miss him.  Talked to him Saturday.  His ghost still lingers very strongly in this house.  I hear your evil laugh riding on the breeze.  Every once in awhile I can hear that primitive "yawp" as you are working out in the yard with your kettle bells.

  • Of calves, snakes, roses and other sundries


    Mary-Kate's heifer Hectic had a calf this past week.  Unfortunately it was a bull calf.  My apologies to you men out there, but in the bovine world an excess of males is a bad thing.  Before he was sold, however, her friend Arie managed to name him Horatio.  Where do they come up with these names?  Is this a foretaste of things to come?  I pity their children.


    It seems that we have a snake population boom around here.  I startled a total of five snakes the other day.  Or the same snake five times in five different places.  Whatever!  I don't really care for snakes but these are garter snakes and they eat bugs so I don't mind having them around as long as they keep their distance.


    Yesterday Ian left to play soldier for two weeks.  Being just like his obsessive compulsive mother he spent the last few evenings getting last minute things done before he left.  He learned the wisdom of the saying, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get."


    While mowing along the side of the road and around the guard posts, which he had fixed that day at work, he managed to catch on with the mower deck and break it off.  The rest of the people on the highway department that he works with are going to be a little annoyed to find they have to fix another post on Indian Town road, again.  Thank you, Ian.  He knows that's part of the mowing job I won't do because that bank is steep and scares me. 


    I walked out Friday morning after the downpours that we had in the night to find that my rose bushes are beginning to bloom.  There is something so hopeful about the sight of a rose in full bloom.  The bushes that Doug bought me sixteen years ago after our daughter died are in bloom too.  Their scent is in the air all around when the sun warms up the flowers.  The wild roses are in bloom down in the valley and you can smell them too.  What a heady fragrance they give off.  It is my favorite time of year to sit on the deck of an evening and just close my eyes and drink in the scents and sounds of summer.


    Even though the temperatures are warm and the sun stays up for longer and longer times, cold weather is never far from our minds around here.  The canning frenzy has begun in earnest.  I spent all of Saturday making jam.  One of my families favorites, three fruit jam.  This one I will make several times throughout the summer until the rhubarb is exhausted.  This particular session yielded 26 quarts.


    Last week Matthew and I did a fix up job on the shed and Mary-Kate gave it a much needed coat of paint.  We are trying to do a lot of work around here that needs doing without spending a lot of money so we only used what paint we had laying around.  The results were surprisingly nice.  Then on Friday Mary-Kate decided to paint a smiley face on the garden side of the shed to replace the old one that I used to have in the garden.  It ended up looking strangely like Wilson, Tom Hanks friend from the movie Castaway.  It makes me happy to see it out there smiling down on the vegetable plants.