Month: May 2009

  • Fecundity on the farm

    Underneath the deck a pair of robins decided to make a nest “werein to place their young……”  I have been keeping an eye on their progress.  I guess a steady diet of worms is good for you because they sure are growing fast.  Pretty soon they should be getting ready to fledge.  I think that I am going to miss the little guys.


    Mary-Kate discovered that if you walk past their nest and whistle, the little ones will poke their heads up and and their mouths will open up in anticipation of a meal.


    This afternoon we came home from May Devotions at church only to discover that Pearl had given birth to 12 piglets.  What an interesting variety of color God had sent to us. Pink with spots, red with spots, some even look like they are red striped.


    We changed out of church clothes and went out to the barn to check Pearl and to take care of the piglets.  After the teeth were trimmed and the shots were given, they settled down for a meal and a good nap.  It looks like Ruby should be having her babies tonight or tomorrow.  Both moms are bedded down and comfortable for the night.

    I sure like the spring of the year and all of the new life that we celebrate here on the farm.

  • Good-bye to the Big Dude!!!!!

    This morning he loaded up his truck.  After Mass he said an emotional (NOT) good-bye to his family and drove off into the sunrise.  He’s off to spend a few days with family and then onto some more Army-type adventures. 


    It’s been a great 30 days, big dude.  The food, the fun, the jokes.  It’s been great.  Come back and do it again real soon.  (as soon as I recover from all the grocery buying and the cooking and the eating and the general food stuff that has been going on here.)  But seriously, please come back soon because it’s not funny without you here.  Ian and your father are far too serious.  Mary-Kate, Matthew and I can’t keep it going without your help.  I’m the only real silly one.  The other two are just jokers in training. 

    I already miss your silly bear-stopping grin and your devilish laugh.  I miss your hulking body at the end of my dining room table.  I miss you spamming MK on facebook while she is upstairs and you are down.  I miss you imitating Brian Reagan.  I miss that primitive “yawp” that you give out when you are working out with the kettlebells.  They even obliterated the dents in the stones of the driveway already. 



  • Trampoline Fun

    Several years ago we purchased a trampoline for the family Christmas gift.  The next summer the family that I was babysitting for bought the requisite cage for it.  The kids loved spending time bouncing on it.  Even my husband and I have been known to commandeer it on a Sunday afternoon. 

    Now I no longer babysit regularly.  The cage has long since been chewed by the mice during winter storage and isn’t useable.  But my two youngest get a lot of use out of the trampoline still.  It is a great form of exercise, if you are careful and don’t go at it with great abandon.  It is also a useful tool for keeping kids occupied when company comes during the summer months.

  • Springtime Stuff

      I have sorely neglected my friends on Xanga and my son who is currently stationed in Norfolk, Virginia.  I would plead business but that won’t wash with those who know me.  My philosophy about such things is; if it is important to you you will make the time rather than “find the time” since time isn’t to be found.  Anyway, I did spend a week in SC, about a month ago which required a certain amount of recovery.  I have been in my garden everyday finishing the planting and doing some weeding.  I have also been doing some work in the house that has been neglected.  None of this is an excuse to avoid friends and family.


    Sunday I was out in the back yard and noticed this baby robin in the forsythia bush.  It was just fledging.  Later in the afternoon I saw it and an adult robin giving it flying lessons. 


    This baby was from the same nest getting flying lessons too.  For animals that are so graceful when they are adults, they are so clumsy when they start out.DSC02816

    Mary-Kate discovered this nest with two little baby robins in it under our deck.  I love to sit at the table beside the pool and watch the parents feed the babys.  They really get angry with me when I hang the laundry, though.  They like to fly at me while I am standing on the deck hanging out my laundry.


    Ian has been working for a neighbor helping him to make his hay.  Instead of getting paid in cash they worked out a deal where he gets paid with cattle so he can build up his herd of beef animals.  On Saturday the cattle truck came and unloaded these two steers into our pasture.  The black one proceeded to get out under the electric fence.  The fence was snapping and zapping all the time and it seemed totally unfazzed by the whole thing.  Jason, Mary-Kate and I caught him and put him back.  He turned around and got out again while I was standing right there yelling at him the whole time.  After we put him back a second time I immediately named them Dumb and Dumber.  The brown one seemed reluctant to go any further into the pasture than the dirt laneway.  There are acres of green grass out there but he wouldn’t go until Jason grabbed his neck chain and dragged him out into the grass.  Yep, Dumb and Dumber.



    Here’s a shot of one of my vegetable gardens.  To the left side of the fence post are the raspberries.  Where there is black landscape fabric is the asparagus.  Then I have tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, sunflowers, potatoes, bush beans, two kinds of peas, pole beans, and at the far end are the strawberries.  I still need to work up some more ground to put in the blueberry bushes that I bought yesterday.


    This garden is by the house.  In this section I have planted more tomatoes, beets, carrots, artichokes, and green peppers.  The lighter colored rows are rows of straw that I spread to keep down weeds and to make places for people to walk since everyone seems inclined to cut through the garden to get to the other side instead of using the stone walk that skirts the garden by the pool.


    This end houses my cold frames which contain lettuce and spinach.  There is also broccoli growing very nicely behind two of the frames.  I also have my more permanent plants here, such as horseradish, oregano, parsley, thyme, sage, beebalm, bunching onions, leeks, spanish onions, garlic, and rosemary.  There are also two rhubarb plants that you can just see behind the june lillys.  The stone walls that enclose this end of the garden were built by my son Adam.  Matthew is now building a stone retaining wall across the end of the larger part of the garden and making a more stable and permanent pad for the fountain.  The garden tends to slope toward the lawn and is beginning to cover the walk that Adam built and is taking over the lawn.  Matthew decided that something needed to be done about it.  He is using the skills he is learning while working for our neighbor the landscaper and his own money to build the wall and repair the walk.  It is going to be beautiful when he gets done.  My gardens are my favorite place to be.  He is even putting in a power outlet so that the fountain is permantly wired in so we don’t have to always run a cord.  I will also be able to sit there with my laptop in the evening.  I think that I will not want to go in when the sun goes down.


  • How does he do it?


    Ever since he was a kid the big guy has been finding four and five leaf clovers.  He literally walks out the door of the house and looks down and picks them up.  Today was no different.  He was going out to hook up the hoses for me to water the garden for me.  He bends down and hands me this five leaf clover.  Then he leads me around the house to one of the flower beds out front and there is a whole patch of four and five leaf clovers.  What a guy.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook Monday 25 May 2009


    Outside my window……it is sunny and warm.  The leaves are out on the trees and the day is shaping up to be a beautiful one. 

    I am thinking……… blessed we are to live where we do and when we do.  I wouldn’t trade my life for anyother.

    From the schoolroom………..silence.  Everyone is outdoors doing things in the fresh air and sunshine as all young growing things should.

    I am thankful for…………let’s see…….my husband, my children, my life, the day, everything.

    From the kitchen………leftovers from the party yesterday.

    I am wearing………….green tee shirt, jeans, white ball cap.  My usual working in the yard and garden uniform

    I am reading…………still working on Henry VIII.  Hope to finish him up this week.

    I am hoping………….nothing.  I am so content it is almost a sin.

    I am creating…………a place of contentment and peace for my family and all who come to visit.

    I am praying………..for all who do not have what I have.

    Around the house………….paperwork for school, laundry, cleaning up that has been neglected because I have been outside so much.

    One of my favorite things……………just spending time observing each of my children about their daily tasks.

    A few plans for the rest of the week………….holy hours and teach my last fifth grade class thursday.  Spend as much time as I can with the big guy since he will be leaving on Sunday.  Pizza night on Saturday. 

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you………….


    Miss Grace, Thomas, and MK on the trampoline yesterday at the party.  A moment captured for all time of the togetherness and pure joy that friends can find in each others company.

  • RIP dear friend

    Two weeks ago Thursday evening my husband phoned me while I was in SC visiting family.  He had difficult news to impart.  That evening while coming home from visiting the neighbors, Lupus cut in front of Ian’s truck was struck and killed.   How my heart ached at the news.  Not only had the family lost a dear and trusted friend, but my oldest son was in need of comforting and I was so far away.



    I am happy though that she didn’t suffer and that she died doing what she loved most, running and playing.  Just this time she misjudged and lost the race with the truck.


    There won’t be another like you Lupus.  You had more personality than a legion of people.

  • The Simple Womans Daybook Monday 18 May 2009


    Outside my window…………cool and cloudy.  The sun is trying to shine.  Let’s hope that it succeeds since I would really like to spend the day outside.

    I am thinking………….how blessed I am to have the husband and children that I have and to live the life that I live.

    From the schoolroom…………we will resume lessons today.  After being away for so many weeks it will be good to get back into a “normal” rountine.

    I am thankful for………….being home after being away for a week.  I enjoyed visiting family but to quote Dorothy, “there’s no place like home”

    From the kitchen…………I think I will bake a few strawberry rhubarb pies today.  Maybe porkchops on the grill for supper tonight.

    I am wearing………….blue jeans, pink cami and a grey sweatshirt.  I am hopeful that the weather man is right and it will warm up today.

    I am reading………….still working on Henry VIII

    I am hoping…………it warms up and stays that way finally so that I can get all my plants into the garden without risk of frost.

    I am creating…………a haven and a place of richness in my garden and in our yards.

    I am praying…………for things far to great to list. 

    Around the house……..wonderful chaos as my children come home from school and come home on leave to visit.

    One of my favorite things…………thinking about the summer stretching ahead and Mary-Kate home everyday.

    A few plans for the rest of the week…………..laundry, holy hours, gardening, enjoying the last two weeks of the big guy’s leave.  Spending time with Jason before he leaves for Missouri.  Trying to get some quality school time in.  In other words, the usual.

    Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you…………..


    My nephew Joshua and his new bride Amanda.  A few of us went to SC for the wedding and to visit with family.  Vacation was great and the visit was good but it is so good to be home.

  • The Simple Woman’s Daybook Monday 4 May 2009


    Outside my window……….the sun has risen, the inhabitants of the house have too.  It is cool out and sunny and looks to be another nice spring day.   That’s good since there is a mountain range of laundry to do today.

    I am thinking…….of all that needs to be done before we leave for SC tomorrow.

    From the schoolroom……..nothing, nada, zip, nothing. And it will stay that way for another week.

    I am thankful for…….the weekend just past.  All of my children, while not all in this house at the same time, were at least all in the same state. 

    From the kitchen………..thank God for the leftovers that we  brought home from a friend’s house yesterday.  Too busy today to do any cooking.

    I am wearing……… sweats, blue nightshirt.  I am waiting my turn in the shower.

    I am reading……….still working on Henry VIII

    I am hoping…… get an awful lot done today. 

    I am creating…………order from chaos, a plan for packing, a way to get four of us ready and out of here in good time tomorrow.

    I am praying……….for a safe trip and happy time spent with family.

    Around the house………..don’t ask!

    One of my favorite things…….waking up and being surprised by a visit from one of my soldiers.

    A few plans for the rest of the week……….too much to mention.  The goal is to get this house clean, laundry done, meals planned for those who are staying behind, packed and off on our trip without losing my mind.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you…………


    Look what the cat dragged in early on Saturday morning.   We have him for the whole month of May.


    This is what you get when your prayers are answered to have your sons home together.  Lots of large bodies being thrown about.  As long as it is outside I don’t mind in the least.