Month: January 2009

  • Out of the mouths of babes.........

    ..........or, how to demoralize an old woman in one statement.

    Yesterday was Tuesday the day that I take myself down to St. Joseph's Parish and teach my second grade class religion.  I look forward to this class every week.  I like being in the company of little kids.  I have the feeling that they are what keep you young.  Yesterday was no exception.  I spent the better part of the morning preparing my lesson then off we went to teach my class.  Now, before class I have to set up the room and spend some time monitoring the halls as the kids come in, have their snacks, and get to their own rooms before class starts.  I was innocently standing in the hall greeting kids, joking with some of my former students and other kids who participate in the program when one of my former students walks up to me and says, "Boy, Mrs. K, either you are getting fat or you're going to have a baby real soon!"

    Since my surgery I have noticed that my clothes have been a little snug.  I chalked that up to obvious swelling in my back.  This will go away, I told myself.  I don't have any mirrors that show me full length so I couldn't know that I looked that bad.  But I did notice that I was having trouble flexing my abs.  That seems to be the reason for this little imps comment. 

    The abdominal muscles are closely linked to the back muscles.  Of course I'm going to look a little, I don't know what, since I can't keep my abs flexed.  It's painful to my back.  I just wanted to cry when he said that.  So, now begins a conscious program of isometrics to get those muscles back into shape.  The reverse of what they went through when I had each one of my C-sections.  No pain, no gain, Right?

  • The Simple Womans Daybook Monday 12 January 2009


    Outside my window..........  the sun is shining, it is 15 degrees out and snow is gently falling.  We have had snow so many days I think that I am finally getting used to the stuff.  Today is supposed to be the warmest day this week, then it is supposed to get bitterly cold.  That quashes my mens plans for setting fence posts.  If they pound posts in this bitter cold the water in the wood will make the posts shatter.  Oh well, guess they better find something else to do.

    I am thinking........ of all that needs to be done, but that I am content to be home and busy. 

    I am thankful for.......... a husband who works so hard so that I can stay at home and take care of my children, homeschool them, and make a warm and comfortable home for my family. 

    From the schoolroom............ SILENCE!  Matthew and Brett are taking a Biology test. 

    From the kitchen........... leftovers for lunch, roast chicken with vegetables and steamed broccoli for supper.  My husband likes roast chicken so we seem to be having it a lot lately.  Whatever the man wants.

    I am wearing............ green flannel pants, white tee shirt and slippers. 

    I am creating......... nothing special lately.

    I am going....... nowhere for the rest of the day.  We went to Mass and made some stops after and now my car can rest for the rest of the day.  It is too cold to go out.

    I am reading............ still working A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot

    I am hoping........... to get the laundry done in a reasonable amout of time, then make a new fleece for Mr. PObrien since the one I made him for Christmas was too small.

    I am hearing......... the sound of silence.  The test must be a challenge to those two boys.  I hope they studied.

    Around the house........ all is clean and in order thanks to the hard work of MK

    One of my favorite things............. was the walk I took outside this past weekend.  I got to check out my pigs, haven't been out to the barn since before my surgery. 

    A few plans for the rest of the week............. my second grade class tomorrow and holy hour, fifth grade class on thursday and holy hour on friday.  rest and laundry in between.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you............


    A shot of our nearly frozen creek that I took on my walk yesterday.  There is something beautiful about the barren and frozen countryside in the winter.

  • The Week In Review





    And more snow!!!!


  • Two Pleasant Surprises

    Two things happened to make this day a very pleasant one.  The first being that Doug's boss called and said don't come to work until 1:00.  It is very cold out today and I think that he wanted to spend the day inside with his family.  Doug has had a bad cold and it is a good opportunity for him to stay inside and stay warm and maybe get better a little faster.  He doesn't know how to rest so that is out of the question.  So far he has fixed my vacuum cleaner, swept the whole downstairs, filled the wood box to overflowing,  and done some work on the computer.  He still has plans to fix the shower massage in the downstairs bathroom and the shower in the upstairs bathroom.

    While I was taking my shower there was a commotion in the kitchen.  When asked what was going on my husband declared that there was an owl in the closet in the garage.  We have a closet out there where we store pots and pans and canning supplies.  Very frequently birds get in through a hole in the ceiling.  This morning they discovered this little owl sittling on one of my pans.  The poor little guy was frightened and flying at the window trying to get out.  After getting his picture taken several times they finally opened the overhead door and the closet door then Matthew captured him in a gallon milk pitcher and let him go free outside.   


    How beautiful he is to look at.  For awhile after he was set free he sat in the tree by the back of the house.  It's funny when you know that this wildlife is all around you but what a surprise when you get to encounter it up close like this. 

  • The Effects of Inspiration


    Every couple of months the Martha Pullen Company comes out with the magazine Sew Beautiful.  I have been buying this magazine for sever years now. (19 to be exact.)  I don't make everything in the magazine by any means but it is a very good source for inspiration and is helpful with problems that I have encountered in sewing, especially heirloom sewing. 

    Yesterday MK and I stopped at the fabric store on our way home from the city where she had a dr appointment.  Our local store is closing in a couple of weeks and now we have to drive about 35 miles to find another fabric store.  A blessing for my husband since it will greatly curtail my fabric buying but a curse for MK and I when we need something and just cannot run out and pick it up.  Anyway, I purchased the latest issue of Sew Beautiful to read when we got home.  In it I came across this beautiful little girls dress.  Now I feel what we joke about in this house as "genius burning".  I really need to make that dress.  I even have someone in mind to wear it. 

    The fabrics that are used are imported so now starts the research into where I can get them without morgaging the farm.  I am no artist but this project will consume my mind until I have all the information about where I can get all the materials at the lowest cost.  Then I have to get permission to order them from my husband.  He is very good to me and is usually ok about these types of obsessions. 

    The problem comes when I am actually making the gown.  No one will eat or have a clean house or any clean laundry.  Nothing may stand in the way of getting this done and getting it done right.  What a pleasure it will be to create something so beautiful and to work with such fabrics.  Already I can feel the fabric in my hands and smell the new smell of it.  My mind keeps going over the steps on how to go about making this dress in the best way.  I have even gotten out the embroidery floss for the hand work. 

    Time to get to reasearching the materials so that I can get started sooner rather than later.

  • I have to share what my daughter wrote.........

    • but I would entitle it the best daughter that you could ever get.  Since she is friends locked to protect her I cannot recommend it so I will post it here.  This repost is not to compliment me but to show the world what a wonderful, loving daughter that I have.

    • What's the best compliment you have ever gotten?

      82nd Airborne Division Band, Ft. Bragg, Nc
      Blood upon the Risers
      see related

         I think the best compliment I have gotton was that I looked like my mother. Now my Mother will say that she isn't pretty and that I look more like her sister then her. I agree with my mom, she isn't a startlimg beauty. She by herself might not make you stop and stare, only when we were little and we followed her through the store did anyone stop, stare, and say anything. She is a beautiful in her own special God given way. But beauty is one, in the eye of the beholder. Secondly, beauty isn't always manifested in physical looks, but also in actions, thoughts and words. My Mom no matter how many times we(I) tested her patience and made her wish to tear her hair out loved us and taught us to be good and to try our best. She always knows when we need, and want, a hug, or some incouraging words. Since as long as I can remember she has being trying to lose weight and keep it down. Trust me, the way she cooks, that can be very hard.This has taught us to keep going even when it is tough and also the value of giving up something we like.  She has always tried to show us a good example and help us with what ever, even if she rather be reading a book or working on something of her own. The amount of times I have had to ask her questions that I should know the answers to are countless. All in all my mom is extremely beautiful. She is beautiful physically with her wonderful smile and her understanding eyes. She is even more beautiful inside with her large heart, and her intelligent mind. So I am very happy to be told I look like her, I just hope that it goes beyond just physical looks.

  • What is the best compliment you have ever gotten?

    After reading Mlle. Robillard's post answering this question I just had to answer it too. 

    I have always struggled with my weight.  There are those out there who are probably shaking their heads and saying they agree and know what it is to struggle with this very problem.  When I was younger I wasn't exactly what you would call fat but I wasn't ever skinny either.  I can remember growing up that my brothers would try to compliment me by saying that "if you lost a little weight you would look great".  Rather than prompting me to lose weight it would only frustrate me and make me loathe myself all the more.

    When my husband and I were just married and home from our honeymoon one of my brothers made one of their usual comments about my weight and my husband, who is by no means a man to compliment easily, said the most wonderful, romantic thing anyone had ever said to me.  He told my brother that I was perfect and that if Ruebens were alive right now he would paint a picture of me.  He made me feel like a queen and like the most beautiful woman alive.  He also managed to shut my brother up for good.

  • What they did to me


    When I went to the dr to have my stitches out they took a whole bunch of x-rays.  They said that they needed to make sure that everything was still where they put it.  Like laying around in bed would be strenuous enough to displace all of that hardware.  Anyway, after the dr read them and showed me what was going on he wanted to know if I wanted a copy.  My first thought was, "what for?" then I thought it might be interesting to have a copy so I said yes.

    So here is a picture of my spine with four screws and two pins in it.  Between all of that you can see the shadow of a "cage" that they inserted into the disc between the vertebra that they screwed.  Each time that I go they plan to take pictures and check on the healing process.  I just thought that those of you with a little interest in these type of things might like to see what was done to my back when I went for the surgery on 15 Dec.

  • Simple Woman's Daybook Monday 5 January 2009


    Outside my window....... the sun is trying to shine.  It is 35 degrees out and everything is covered in a thin layer of ice leftover from last night's storm. 

    I am thinking....... how good it feels to be back into a normal routine.  I miss the family together and time off but routine is nice too.  Some of us were beginning to show signs of strain.

    I am thankful for...... all the prayers on my behalf.  I am healing very well.  The pain in my back is all but gone and my legs are getting better everyday.  I marvel everyday at the power that prayer and Our Lord can bring about in a life.  I will offer my holy hour on Friday for all of you and in thanksgiving for the prayers and good wishes that I have enjoyed in the last three weeks.

    From the schoolroom....... Matthew and Brett are working on their spanish.

    From the kitchen........... leftovers for lunch and I think that I will treat the love of my life with a sumptuous meal for his coming home from work.   I think roast chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and I think I will make him a cake for dessert.  He has taken the best care of me since my surgery and he deserves a little treat.

    I am wearing.......... navy sweat pants, white tee shirt, tan sweater and slippers

    I'm creating............peace and tranquility in my little corner of the world.

    I'm going...........nowhere I hope!!!!! I have been to Mass and I'd like to stay at home and just take it easy. (as if I haven't been doing just that)

    I am reading.............A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot

    I am hoping........... that the big guy calls this morning to let me know that he got in safely from KS last night.  I can't help being a mother even though he is a grown m an and can take care of himself. 

    I am hearing......... Matthew and Brett repeat their spanish along with the tape

    Around the house........ MK has everything neat and clean with the laundry going.  What would I do without her.

    One of my favorite things............ you've heard it before, my family all around me.  There is nothing better than the sounds of your young adults talking and having fun and knowing that they are the blessings that God has bestowed upon your marriage.

    A few plans for the rest of the week............ I have my two classes this week and two holy hours.  MK has an appointment on Wed and she and Matthew have an appointment on Friday.  That is about all this tired body can handle.  The rest of the time I will enjoy staying at home, teaching Matthew and enjoying MK's company.

    Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you...............


    The beautiful birthday girl.  What a blessing that God bestowed upon her father and I 19 years ago.  Little did we know what kind of giving, loving young woman that she would become.  We love you Mary-Katherine Suzanne.  You are truly a gift from God.

  • The Feast of the Epiphany

    it is the end not only of our vacation, school starts bright and early Monday morning, but also of the Christmas season.  Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, the time when the Christ Child was made manifest to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi.  It is also a special day for us because the feast falls on Mary-Kate's birthday.  Every few years this feast falls on the fourth of January and that is the day that we celebrate the birth of our beloved daughter.

    So this day we pray for the whole world that they will come to know, love and serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in the person of Jesus Christ.  And this family prays in a special way for Mary-Kate.  In thanksgiving for adding her to our family and also for her continued growth in wisdom age and grace before the Lord.

    We love you MK and we always will.