Outside my window…it is sunny and a bit nippy out there. We are looking forward to temps in the mid-50′s this week with lows dipping down into the 30′s. Typical fall weather. The cold air seems to enhance the brilliance of the colors out there. The snow storm that came up the coast didn’t touch us in the least. Nary a flake fell in this neck of the woods. Praise God we were spared!
I am thinking…about lists. Lists of things to do now that this semester has ended and I am free to resume my role as wife and mother full time. I look forward to cooking, cleaning, and sewing. Not to say that those activities took a hiatus during my semester but they were severly truncated. I have been up since shortly after 6 and already the whole downstairs is clean and there are two loads of laundry done. Layn and I decided to take a coffee break while Melissa finishes cleaning the downstairs bathroom. (wasn’t on my list this morning)
I am thankful for…a husband who knows that I do my best and is willing to accept a B or even a C in one of my courses.
From the kitchen…there are going to be great things happening. German Potato Salad is going to be made from the potatoes that were cooked last night. I think I will bread and fry the boneless, skinless chicken that I got out yesterday and make a spinach salad to go with everything. Doug cooked and peeled a pumpkin for me yesterday so I plan on making pumpkin bread and muffins. That is good for a start.
I am wearing…blue sweats and a blue tee shirt.
I am creating…satisfaction.
I am going…to work my tail off and then take an hour to go to the pool this afternoon.
I am hoping…that all this manic activity will induce sleep tonight.
I am hearing…Layn going down for his first nap. Both washers and dryers are going and the coffee pot is putting forth its second offering of black energy.
One of my favorite things…the good time that we had last night. Doug, MK, and I bowled with the Wii last night. Lots of laughing and smiling and general good time being had by all. Afterward we said the rosary together then watched an episode of NCIS and went to bed. I love family togetherness.
Around the house…we have everything whipped into shape and now it is time to settle into the routine for the rest of the day. Matthew has to go help the neighbor put away her summer furniture, MK is doing barn chores, and all is peaceful. There is a definite air of contentment around here.
A few plans for the rest of the week…the usual chores and errands plus I have to get Doug and I ready for our trip to NC. One week from today we fly off to watch Ryan graduate.
Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you…
He’s got that devilish grin going on.