But Layn doesn’t mind.
Month: July 2011
How many people do you know
have a piano on its side in their front yard?
Years ago my kids wanted to take piano lessons. Their grandfather had given them an electronic keyboard for Christmas so we thought there was really no reason not to find a teacher and let the piano playing begin. Several months into lessons their teacher expressed a need for them to eventually have a piano with a full keyboard if it was within our means. In other words, they were going to outgrow the electronic keyboard. Let the praying commence! We prayed and prayed for a piano to come along that we could afford.
That next summer the neighbors put out a for sale sign on their house and had a big garage sale. Bingo! the prayers were answered. They had a piano for sale, it was affordable, and it was close so there would be little trouble moving it.
Long story short, that was our first piano. The tuner pronounced it a good instrument for kids, don’t put any money into it and start praying for another one. Our third piano is now sitting on the burn pile after having served the piano students well. MK is back to the electronic keyboard and we are praying for the means to procure her a piano worth her talent.
RIP loyal and sturdy instrument that served well.
Love welling up inside
Up early every morning; first to praise the Lord then to serve the family.
Giving your all to your boss and those at work,
Whatever you say sir, that I will do,
Just don’t ask me to do wrong.
Back home after a long day, but your time is still not your own.
What needs to be done here?
Service to your Lord and your family,
That is the pattern of your day,
That pattern of your life.
Every action an expression of the love that dwells in your heart.
Here’s to good friends….let’s keep them around!
JessicaFleur, a very good friend here on Xanga is talking about leaving again. Sick and tired of the stalking, the drama, and the bad language, she is thinking of throwing in the towel once again. Personally I can understand her angst over all the childishness that goes on around here but I am here to implore her to stay.
Jess, we lost you and it was a sad day. Your sense of humor was sadly missed. Not only that but you have a unique and delightful sense of what is right and proper. You are a lady from the ground up and never hesitate to show your righteous anger when others violate what you know to be true. The tales that you relate of your Aunties and your Papa warm the hearts of those who read you and make all of us feel that we are a close part of your very special and loving family.
All of you out there who feel the same way give Jess a nudge and show her you care enough to keep her on Xanga with us.
Stay, please, heart sister. I for one will be lost without you.
The Simple Womans Daybook 25 July 2011
Outside my window…the sun is shining and it is a comfortable 62. I think this morning is the first time that the temp has been below 85 in two weeks. I won’t mention the fact that the weather man is calling for the temp to soar into the upper 80′s today. We’ll just enjoy this cool spell while it lasts. The birds seems to be enjoying it, I haven’t heard them singing like this since before the heat wave began.
I am thinking….about all the work that I need to accomplish before school starts in Sept.
I am thankful for…the fact that I am able to do what I can do. I look at the ladies who are in my water aerobics class at the Y and thank God everyday that, though I have arthritis and a bad back, I am still able to move far better than a lot of those women.
From the schoolroom….MK will be working hard on her classes today.
From the kitchen….I really don’t know. There are two pizza’s leftover from yesterday so I know that we are well provisioned at least for lunch. I think we will make it up as we go along, that is always a good policy.
I am wearing….shorts and a tee shirt with eeyore on it.
I am creating….handmade items for gift and for sale.
I am going…to water aerobics today and that is about all. I have a mountain of sewing to do.
I am reading…The Turn of the Screw, required reading for my next semester.
I am hoping…to get a goodly amount of my sewing done so that I can display them for sale.
I am hearing…MK and Melissa chatting in the kitchen. Layn chattering away to himself while he eats his breakfast. Matthew muttering to himself about the fact that he still cannot do what he would like.
Around the house…everything is pretty neat and clean. MK and Melissa got up before I did and got a lot of cleaning and straightening done.
One of my favorite things…sitting here at my desk. The windows are open and the smell coming in is so fresh and summery. I can smell the hay stacked in the pig barn across the road, the feed in the feed room, and the freshly cut grass across the road in the pasture. The birds are singing and fussing about in the trees and the babys in the nest in the rafters are poking their heads up waiting for mom to come with their breakfast. The pig is rolling in the mud outside of her pen and the beefers are walking across the pasture looking for just the right tender morsel to satisfy their morning cravings.
A few plans for the rest of the week….the usual round of activities are planned for this week. I shall spend the week reveling in the ebb and flow of normalcy.
Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you…
Ian’s wheat was combined this weekend. I love the proud look on his face and the fact that he took Layn along to inspect the wheat.
Tragedy and more tragedy
Yesterday seemed to be the day for it. A drunk driver south of here tried to pass a tractor pulling an implement on a busy highway and ended up killing 5 people and injuring 9 others. Just down the road from us in a very small sleepy town a six-year-old girl was stabbed to death in her bed by her mother’s live in boyfriend.
People talk about peace and harmony. Songs are written and sung begging us all to live together in peace. Where is it folks? The comments on the local paper about the accident in Penn Yan all cry out against the driver of the car. True he was to blame but what was behind his drinking? Why did he choose to drink and then get behind the wheel of that car? There has to be more than negligence behind what happened.
The man who stabbed that poor little girl to death is most definitely to blame for what he did. But why? What brought him to it? Why did he suddenly let go of reason and sanity and assault that helpless child as she slept in her bed?
These are the questions that I ponder today and this is the direction of my prayers. Not only that God will pour his consolations on all those families who lost loved ones yesterday but on the perpetrators. God please send them repentence and healing.
Good news of the best kind… profound thanks!
Adam called me this morning. He has been discharged from the hospital. He will be meeting up with his ship after a brief period of recovery either there in Israel or in Germany. He says he feels fine and thank you for all of the prayers.
I want to thank everyone who prayed for both of us. There is nothing quite as sustaining as the knowledge that those around you are paving a path with their prayers on your behalf. I intend to offer a mass and holy communion both in thanksgiving for Adams continued recovery, in gratitude for the prayers and caring that has been extended to us and for all of your special intentions.
Behold the power of prayer!
The Simple Womans Daybook 18 July 2011
Outside my window….the sky grows blacker and blacker as the thunderheads roll in off the lakes. Every once in awhile lightning arcs across the sky followed by rolls and rolls of thunder. I sit here at my desk in the safe haven of my home and watch the wonder of God wreak his havoc on the earth.
I am thinking…for many reasons I am glad that Doug installed these big windows right at the front of the house. I may not like storms as such but they are irresistable to watch and this is the perfect place to observe them.
I am thankful for…batteries. Batteries in my computer, camera and cell phone.
From the schoolroom…MK will be plugging away at her studies while the rest of us make the environment conducive for study.
From the kitchen…leftovers abound from the delicious repast that we enjoyed yesterday and the pizza that the kids made on Saturday night.
I am wearing….a tee shirt with eeyore on it and grey capris.
I am creating….a safe haven from whence I can watch the world going by.
I am going…nowhere that I know of. Perhaps to pick Brett up from work but that is about all today. It is Monday after all.
I am reading….Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises. Not my favorite author.
I am hoping…that Doug has to work the whole day in spite of the storms. You never know with farmers.
I am hearing…dogs panting, kids discussing thunderstorms, and thunder rumbling in the distance.
Around the house…all of the chores are done and everyone is settling in with something to occupy himself. It’s tough for my active kids to spend a day inside during the summer time.
One of my favorite things…the dog resting nearby, the morning chores done, and a hot cup of coffee at my side as I write this.
A few plans for the rest of the week….twice daily dressing changes for Matthew, cooking, cleaning, reading, sewing, and being a wife to my husband and mother to my children.
Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you….
The newest addition to our family (like we need another dog). His name is Archie.